(ae-nah-'ees). noun [usu. as object]
is most originally the Persian goddess of love but also the name of early 20th century writer, Anaïs Nin -- most famous for her Diary and treasured by us for some of her deeply felt musings, “row your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.” We were going for that feeling of unbounded possibility with this shawl. Something that you can toss up around your shoulders, drape hither and thither, light and airy enough to go with you anywhere.
ORIGIN New York City, pattern written by the Jones & Vandermeer design team.
EXPERIENCE LEVEL Technically advanced because it contains short rows for shaping (but suitable for a beginner lace knitter looking for the next challenge); i-cord bind-off.
SIZE Finished size: 88" wingspan x 10" dpeth
- Top Draw Sock by Skein Australia: 2 skeins; shown in Calico.
- US6 (4.0mm) circular needles 60" long
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SPECIAL OFFER the anaïs pattern is free with the purchase of top draw sock yarn required to make this project. just write "anais" in the comments box and we'll send you a hardcopy of the pattern. there's no need to add the pattern into your cart to receive the offer.